Are you conflicted on whether it is time to outsource your business blog to a content writer? This is an expense in your business and maybe you aren’t quite sure that writing on your blog is an investment worth making now. You understand that long-form content is what your business needs, but how do you take the plunge?
Here are 6 signs that you are ready to outsource your business blog to a content writer.
1. You know exactly what you are selling
You are at the stage in your business where you are 100% clear on what you sell. You know your product and services offer, their value to you, and how you can best package and distribute them. In other words, you know exactly what you want to promote through your content.
If you are investing in a content writer then you want your blog to work for you. You want a return on your investment. You want customers to make that purchase. This means creating content that highlights the services and products that you offer. Blogging will help you build a rapport and connect with your ideal customer.
2. You know your customer
The top 2 questions any content writer will ask about your business is who your ideal customer is and have you a customer persona. What chance does a content writer have when writing a business blog for someone’s audience if they don’t know who they are and what they care about?
An obvious sign your business is ready to outsource your blog is that you fully understand and can articulate who your ideal customers and clients are. You understand what they are struggling with, you know their needs and wants. You know what matters to them. And because of that, you know how and why you’re the obvious choice for them.
3. You understand your own business
That does sound strange, but it means is that you know the following:
- What’s your USP? How’s your business different?
- What are you passionate about?
- What need is there for your service/product?
- How do you help your customers and clients get amazing results?
This is also really important information for the landing page of your website.
4. You understand it is a long-term commitment
Business blogging, as a form of content marketing, is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You will not get results overnight. But, if you want to get to a point in your business where people who’ve never heard of you decide to buy from you as a direct result of the content you share on your website, you need to be out there and create that content. If you only publish 3 or 4 blog posts and then stop, you will not get the results you’d hoped for.
If you invest in a content writer to write your business blog, you need to commit to at least 6 to 12 months. This time will allow the content writer to get to know your business and brand well, what works for you and most importantly 12 months of SEO optimized fresh content will move your website up the search engine ranking. You want to be the first business found when a potential client searches for your niche/industry don’t you? This long-term commitment will help secure that position for you.
5. You do not have time to make that blogging commitment
You know that Content Marketing is a valid long-term strategy that will help you expand your organic reach and connect with a wider audience. The problem you are struggling with is that as much as you know blogging is vital for your business, you are not able to find the time to commit to regular content.
Maybe you enjoy writing but the lack of time is the issue. When you get busy with client-facing work, blogging is the first thing that drops off your to-do list. You have lots of ideas, you wish you could stay consistent, but you know it has moved down the priority list.
You might not have the time to invest in blogging but if you’re able to invest the money instead, hiring a content writer is the ideal scenario.
6. You are ready to scale your business
In the first few months or even years after starting your business, you may not have had the funds to outsource anything in your business. Fast forward to now and you are at a point where you want to grow your business and realise that the key to that is to outsource and delegate some of the tasks that you don’t have time for or that you don’t enjoy doing.
You can shift that focus to develop and grow your business even further by getting outside help. Building a team around you that you can trust and rely on will allow you to scale your business.
Nobody knows your business better than you. But a great content writer can translate your message, your values, and your passion into well-written and well-structured blog posts. They will add value to your business. If you feel you’re in that place, then outsourcing may be right for you.
When clients hire me to do write their business blogs, I join them as a virtual team member, a partnership. I give all my clients my full attention, dedication, and expertise. This means my clients benefit from what I’ve learnt over the years writing for both big and small companies from various industries. I take away the worry about how blogging is done. They trust me to do the job well, and they appreciate any suggestions or ideas I might bring forward.
To find out more about the packages I offer and the wonderful feedback I have been given from numerous clients, contact me and we have a chat about how to scale your business through blogging.
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